Thursday, 10 March 2011

Edits for cover photo.

I love the effect this edit has on Molly's clothes it really defines the flower pattern on her tights and the lined rough surface of the blazer however her face isn't defined enough so the reader can't really engage with the artist.

This is the stencil style but with less contrast and faded colour. I like this effect but I think the edits with the higher contrast are more effective because they stand out better.

This edit defines the edges too much and shows the surface texture. I think the simpler stencil style effect is better.

I think the contrast of this style of edit works the best because it stands out more and isn't too soft and faded.

Monday, 28 February 2011

Evaluation of other magazines.

Level 2/3 - Music King Magazine
I gave this magazine a high level 2/ low level 3 because it looks quite basic and I don't think the cover is appealing enough for people to want to buy it. The image of the guy with the guitar is good but I think it's over-used especially in the article. I think it could so with some other poses, in the article, and models, on the contents page. The think the lighting in the photo of the girl is too dark because it's hard to make out her face. In the article and contents page there is inaccurate spelling and punctuation.

Level 3 - Muse Magazine

I gave this a level 3 because there is a variety of shots used and the mise-en-scene is appropriate to the music genre. Country music so the photo is set outdoors. However it didn't get a level 4 because the photo on the contents page is too dark and the manipulation and the photo on the cover doesn't really link to the rest of the magazine. The interview style that is used is casual.

Level 3 - PM Magazine
I gave this magazine a level 3 because there are clear links to the music genre. I think the photos are good quality however I'm not sure about the fish in the background on the contents page because there are too many colours and its difficult to read the text. I think the manipulation on the dps of the trolley works well however I think the high angle of the photo makes it look a bit distorted. Also like the bright colours of the lights on the cover. I think that the article could have more to it, its a bit short. And the dps might look better if there were more font styles.

Level 4 - The Beat Magazine
I gave this a level 4 because there is consistency of quality between the cover and the contents page. There is a range of different of shots and strong mise-en-scene with the guitars, mic and drums. The lighting on the photo of the front cover works well. However I think the cover could be improved by over-lapping the photo and the text because it leaves an empty gap down the middle of the cover. The fonts are good but I think the text is too small on the contents and on the cover there could be some other fonts used.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Inspiration for contents page.

From my draft it is clear that I have to re-think the layout of the contents page. I looked into what style other magazines use on their contents pages.

I don't really like the list style because it doesn't really draw the reader in. I think I will have the photos more in the middle of the page rather than cramped in at the side.

I won't have as many photos as this but I like the idea of have a larger image to show the more important main article. Also I think the listing looks better when there are sections.

I think I would like at least one more image of a different band on the contents page because althought the image is large it makes it look like there is too much writing.

Although I'm not doing a double page for the contents I might use Q style of having the photos with the large page numbers over the top.

I quite like the slanted text and spliting up the sections into features and regular sections.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Annotated draft.


From my feedback, I know I need to change the photograph on the cover with a more punky model - with a more punk style dress. I might use Molly or Ella for the front cover because they seem to express the attitude that is needed. I also need to make the cover lines stand out more with different colours against the picture.

On the contents page, I need to make it a lot more interesting to make the reader want to read the articles. I also need to take out the multiple images of Ella and Loaded Guns and add page numbers next to the pictures. I also need to include some male bands or solo artists to appeal to both genders. So I need to take some more photographs.

On the double page spread, I need to change the colour of the font for the title because it is hard to read. I also need to change the font for the names of the band members when they reply because it doesn't stand out. I also need to re-jiggle the article and image to get rid of the messy text next to the images. For both the contents page and the double page spread I need to include page numbers.

I now know I need to sort out my time planning so that I spend enough time on each page and reach the deadline on time.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Evaluation of my draft.

I have worked hard on my draft versions but I think they need alterations because they don't look quite right yet. Definitely the contents page needs a completely different layout because it doesn't look effective at all. I'm going to made different edits of the photographs on that page to see if it would look better with a stencil style effect, like the front cover and double page spread. I also think I need to change the layout and more information about the articles. I think the cover worked well with the collage effect background however I think I need to change the colour of the puffs because they don't stand out very well. I might also change some of the fonts because I have used Boston Traffic too many times. I like how the double page spread turned out. However, I need to fiddle around with the columns a bit more to fit all the text in without going round the pictures too much. Also I think it might be more effective if I added a bold quote in the text to cut it up more and draw the reader in.

From this I have learnt more about how to use photoshop and how to create a good photo with the right lighting. I feel that I have progressed from my preliminary work because I have a better understand about how a magazine should look and what conventions I need to keep to for example the thirds - having certain things I the right third so that it could be seen if it was folded or on a shelf. I think a small independent magazine institution would distribute my magazine, like Development Hell Ltd. I think fans of punk young and old but more teenagers and young adults with the link to street art. However the "arty" style might attract other people who like more indie and different style.

Draft version.


Contents page:
Double page spread:

Photographs for the background.

These are the photos that I will use in the ripped collage for the background of the cover and double page spread. I think I will make them black and white so the only colour in the background is the blue and red of the sections of the Union flag.

Photographs for magazine.

These are possible shots for the front cover:

These are possible shots for the contents page:

These are possible shots for the double page spread:

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Contents page mock-ups.

I think the use of editing in the background as well as the photos is a bit too much and distracts too much from the text which should be the main focus of the page.

The photos on this mock-up need to be larger and split up the text more because the list format is a bit boring to read and doesn't specify the different sections of the magazine.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Practising with the camera.

I practised using the different settings on my camera to get the right type of photo for my photoshoot.